Fish Poem

class fishLoop{
    String [][] fish;

    public fishLoop(){
        fish = new String[][]{
        // 1 fish
            " One Fish ", //[0][0]
            "  _///_   ", //[0][1]
            " /o    |/ ", //[0][2]
            " > ))_.|- ", //[0][3]
            "    <     "  //[0][4]
        // 2 fish
            " Two Fish ", //[1][0]
            " .-=-.  , ", //[1][1]
            "(o    ><  ", //[1][2]
            " `-=-'  ` ", //[1][3]
            "  ///     "  //[1][4]
        // red fish
            " Red Fish  ", //[2][0]
            " .   )|     ", //[2][1]
            " |`.-' `-oo ", //[2][2]
            "  ) _  __,0)", //[2][3]
            " /.' )/     "  //[2][4]

         //blue fish
            " Blue Fish   ", //[3][0]
            "      )|     ", //[3][1]
            "    .-  -.   ", //[3][2]
            "  )||  (( o ) ", //[3][3]
            "  )/'''--'    " , //[3][4]


public void printFish(){

    System.out.println("Under the sea there are...");

    int count = 4; 
    for (int row = 0;row < count; row++){

        for (int col = 0; col < fish[row].length; col++){

            System.out.print(fish[row][col] + " ");



        count -= 1;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new fishLoop().printFish();


Under the sea there are...
 One Fish  
 /o    |/  
 > ))_.|-  
 Two Fish  
 .-=-.  ,  
(o    ><   
 `-=-'  `  
 Red Fish   
 .   )|      
 |`.-' `-oo  
  ) _  __,0) 
 /.' )/      
 Blue Fish    
    .-  -.    
  )||  (( o )  
class fishLoop{
    String [][] fish;

    public fishLoop(){
        fish = new String[][]{
        // 1 fish
            "~~~~~~~~~~~~~", //[0][0]
            "  _///_   ", //[0][1]
            " /o    |/ ", //[0][2]
            " > ))_.|- ", //[0][3]
            "    <     "  //[0][4]
        // 2 fish
            "~~~~~~~~~~~~~", //[1][0]
            " .-=-.  , ", //[1][1]
            "(o    ><  ", //[1][2]
            " `-=-'  ` ", //[1][3]
            "  ///     "  //[1][4]
        // red fish
            "~~~~~~~~~~~~~", //[2][0]
            " .   )|     ", //[2][1]
            " |`.-' `-oo ", //[2][2]
            "  ) _  __,0)", //[2][3]
            " /.' )/     "  //[2][4]

         //blue fish
            "~~~~~~~~~~~~~", //[3][0]
            "      )|     ", //[3][1]
            "    .-  -.   ", //[3][2]
            "  )||  (( o ) ", //[3][3]
            "  )/'''--'    " , //[3][4]


public void printFish(){

    System.out.println("Blub blub blub");

    int count = fish.length; 
    for (int i = count; i>=1; i--){
        int a = fish[0].length;
        for (int row = 0; row < a; row++){

            for (int col = 0; col < count; col++){

                System.out.print(fish[col][row] + " ");

        System.out.println(" ");


        count -= 1;


    System.out.println("Fish swimming in the sea...");


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new fishLoop().printFish();


Blub blub blub
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  
  _///_     .-=-.  ,   .   )|            )|       
 /o    |/  (o    ><    |`.-' `-oo      .-  -.     
 > ))_.|-   `-=-'  `    ) _  __,0)   )||  (( o )   
    <        ///       /.' )/        )/'''--'      
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  
  _///_     .-=-.  ,   .   )|       
 /o    |/  (o    ><    |`.-' `-oo   
 > ))_.|-   `-=-'  `    ) _  __,0)  
    <        ///       /.' )/       
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~  
  _///_     .-=-.  ,   
 /o    |/  (o    ><    
 > ))_.|-   `-=-'  `   
    <        ///       
 /o    |/   
 > ))_.|-   
Fish swimming in the sea...