Protected variables: access modifier so attribute isn't affected by outside modifier

Subclass: Extends from a superclass

Overriding: You can override a method by using the @Override above the method you wish to override

Polymorphism: When a method has many forms (overriding)

Method Overloading: Two methods with same name but different arguments

//super class Dog
public class Dog {
    //protected variables
    protected String coatTexture;
    protected String color;
    protected String size;

    public Dog(String coatTexutre, String color, String size){
        this.coatTexture = coatTexture;
        this.color = color;
        this.size = size;
    //bark method
    public void bark(){

//sub class siberianHusky
public class SiberianHusky extends Dog {
    protected String sheds;

    public SiberianHusky (String coatTexture, String color, String size, String sheds){
        super(coatTexture, color, size);
        this.sheds = sheds;

    //overriding the bark method
    public void bark(){

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Dog husky = new SiberianHusky("Double Coat", "Black and White", "Large", "Heavy Shedder");


//sub class pug
public class Pug extends Dog {
    public Pug (String coatTexture, String color, String size){
        super(coatTexture, color, size);

    //Runtime polymorphism (overriding again)
    public void bark(){

    public void xxx() {
        System.out.println("xxx zero args");

    //method overloading
    public void toeBeans(int a) {
        System.out.println("This pug has " + a + " toe beans");
    //method overloading
    public void toeBeans(int a, int b){
        System.out.println("This pug has " + a + " toe beans on its " + b + " feet" );

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Pug pug = new Pug("Short Coat", "Any Color!", "Small");

        pug.toeBeans(4, 4);

This pug has 4 toe beans
This pug has 4 toe beans on its 4 feet