public class DefinePrimitives {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      int anInt = 3;
      double aDouble = 2.7;
      boolean aBoolean = true;

      // not primitives
      String aString = "Primitives";   // wrapper class shortcut assignment
      String aStringFormal = new String("Primitives are cool!");
      System.out.println("anInt: " + anInt);
      System.out.println("aDouble: " + aDouble);
      System.out.println("aBoolean: " + aBoolean);
      System.out.println("aString: " + aString);
      System.out.println("aStringFormal: " + aStringFormal);
anInt: 3
aDouble: 2.7
aBoolean: true
aString: Primitives
aStringFormal: Primitives are cool!
public class primitivesMath {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        int added = 0 + 3;
        double subtracted = 3 - 0.3;
        int divided = 39 / 3;
        double multiplied = 0.5 * 2;

        System.out.println("I should get a " + added + " on this assignment");
        System.out.println("You get a " + subtracted + " if you do the bullet points");
        System.out.println(divided + " is my favorite number");
        System.out.println("I have " + multiplied + " dog");


I should get a 3 on this assignment
You get a 2.7 if you do the bullet points
13 is my favorite number
I have 1.0 dog