import java.util.UUID;
public class Book {
private String bookTitle;
private static int bookCount = 0;
private final UUID id;
//1. Define 1 argument constructure for title
public static Book(String bookTitle){
this.bookTitle = bookTitle;
//2. Define toString method for title, and a tester method
public static toString(){
return "Title:" + this.title;
//3. Generate unique id for class
public static int giveID(){
//4. Create a public getter that has Book Count
public static int getCount(){
return bookCount;
//5. Define tester method that intitialized at least 2 books, outputs title, and provides a count of books in library
public static tester(){
Book book1 = new Book("Lord of the Rings");
Book book2 = new Book("Math textbook");
//Sorry Mr. M I failed you