Capture Information Plan:

This is where I will store most of my general notes. If there is specific information either college board or PBL, I will label it by unit or lab.

Some Key Terms in Java:

  • The main method is where the program starts running.
  • Objects are an instance of a class. Objects can have attributes. For instance, a Student object might have name and grade as attributes.
  • A class is a programmer defined blueprint from which objects are created.
    • Ex: Class is ClubMember
      • Attributes: Name, grade
  • A parameter is a variable in the method/constructor signature that defines the type of value to receive when the method or constructor is called.
  • An argument is a value passed to a method or constructor when the method or constructor is called.
  • Super class is a class that can be extended to create subclasses
  • Subclass is a class that extends a superclass and inherits its attributes and behaviors
  • Inheritence is an OOP principle where a subclass inherits the attributes nad behaviors of a superclass
  • Concatenation is joining two strings together

8/30 Using Objects

  • Public means availible everywhere
  • Final means that its not going anywhere
  • myPainter.move();
    • (.) notation means that you’re using objects
    • Refrencing data property or refrencing method
    • myPainter is object
    • .move(); is a method

Unit 6 Inheritence

Instantiate an object

ClassName objectName = new ClassName();

// example
PainterPlus myPainterPlus = new PainterPlus();

Creating a subclass

public class Subclass extends SuperClass {

   public Subclass() {

Unit 7 Writing a Method

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public class PainterPlus extends Painter{
  public PainterPlus(){
  public void turnRight(){

//Unit 9 While Loops Control Structure: A conditional or iteration statement which affects the flow of a program

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//Unit 10 Two Way Selection Logical Operators

  • Put in front of condition

NOT (!) - Returns opposite of operand

 public void moveOrTakePaint(){
    while (canMove())  
      if (!isOnBucket()){

Array List

  • Arrays are used when you have a collection of the same type of elements
    • Ex: array of numbers, string array
  • Arrays have a fixed size
  • ArrayLists don’t have a fixed size, can change their size

Unit 01 Primitive Types

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Java Type Casting

Widening Casting (automatically): converting a smaller type to a larger type size byte -> short -> char -> int -> long -> float -> double

Narrowing Casting (manually): converting a larger type to a smaller size type double -> float -> long -> int -> char -> short -> byte

Java Operators

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Incrementing and Decrementing: ++ or –

Unit 02 Using Objects

OOP (Object Oriented Programming): A programming paradigm that organizes software design around objects.

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Classes: Templates/blueprints from which objects are creaeted. Objects under the same class with share common methods/attributes

 Ex: Class fruit can have the objects apple, bananas, and orange
 Ex: Class attributes (inherited by objects) could be calorie count, quantity, etc

Objects: Instances of a class

 Ex: Painter myPainter = new Painter();

Methods: Functions that perform a specific task

Ex: Methods of the class could be store, cosume, etc

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Unit 03 Boolean Expressions and If Statements

Boolean Expressions: true or false

Conditional Statements: Perform condition depending if it is true or false

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Else if: Adds conditions to if-else statements

Compound Boolean Expressions:

  • Nested if statements: if statements within if statements
  • Logical operators: && and   or ! not
  • Short-circuited evaluations: Knowing the result of a compound boolean just by glancing at the expressions
  • De-Morgan’s law
    !(a && b) = (!a || !b)
    !(a || b) = (!a && !b)

Comparing Objects

  • == compare two object refrences are aliases for the same object
  • .equals() sees if the attributes of two objects are the same

Unit 04 Iteration

While Loops

//example 1

int x = 5;

// The boolean expression in this case is x > 0
while (x > 0) {

//example 2

int[] array = {3, 7, 0, 2, 4, 5, 9, 1, 3, 6, 3};
int total = 0;
int i = 0;

while (i < array.length) {
    total += array[i];


For Loops


for (initialize; test condition; change)
   loop body

//example 1

for (int x = 1; x <= 5; x++) {

Loops and Strings

String name = "CodeCodeCode";

for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i+=2) {

Nested Iteration

for (int row = 0; row < 5; row ++) {
    for (int column = 0; column < 4; column++) {

For Each Loops


for(dataType item : array) {

//example 1

public class ForEachLoops {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

            // create an array
        int[] data = {2, 10, 5, 12};
            // for each loop 
        for (int number: data) {


Unit 05 Writing Classes

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// Basic Java Class

public class Snack { // class name always starts with capital letter

     * Instance variables
     * Always declared right after class declaration
     * Declared with TYPE and NAME
    private String name;
    private int calories;

    // constructor
    public Snack(String n, int c){
        name = n;
        calories = c;

    // methods
    public String getName(){ // accessor
        return name;

    public void setName(String n){ // mutator
        name = n;

    // main method
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Snack one = new Snack("Oreos", 100);


Class: blueprint used to create objects

  • Instance variables
  • Constructors
  • Methods
    • Accessors/getters
    • Mutator/Setters
    • Main method (tester)

Objects: instances of a class

Access Modifiers

  • Public: no restricted access (Classes, constructors)
  • Private: restrict access to declaring calss (instance variables)
  • Methods can be public or private

Data Encapsulation

  • Data can be accessible, modifiable, both, or neither
  • Variables and methods are wrapped in a class


  • Initialize instance variables when an object is created
  • Object state: Attributes of an object and their values at a given time