Week 13

I started working on the College Board FRQ 1 before doing Mr. M’s more advanced hacks. I felt that this would be a better start for me since I struggle a lot with the Java concepts. I was kind of able to figure out how to do FRQ 1 by myself, so I moved onto the hacks. I made a couple methods myself, but ended up working with Evan on the harder ones. Honestly, he figured it out and made most of it because I had no idea what to do. He helped me understand what his code does which is very appreciated. We were also supposed to figure out how to add more endpoints, but I barely know what an endpoint is so I couldn’t do that.


Over turkey, I tried to do FRQ 2. I realized I have no idea what is going on but I remained determined to at least finish part of the hacks. I had some people help me because I didn’t even know where to start and I was able to finish a few of the hacks. I somewhat understand what I did, and I hope to do better on future assignments.

Week 14

I’ve been working on the vocab this week and it has been quite nice to slow down on the FRQs and take time to expand my Java knowledge. On Wednesday, my scrum team presented our presentation for the arrayList lesson and I think it went pretty well.

Week 15

I actually understood the 2d Array content after working through it with Evan. I was able to do the extra credit Christmas tree all my myself without references or outside help!!! I was pretty proud. Here is a link to my work.

Overall, things are kind of starting to make more sense. Although a lot of things confuse me, I’m starting to understand the basics and more common ideas of java.

Week 16

I’m very proud of the progress I am making in terms of my understanding of Java concepts. Although I am definetly not as good as most people in this class, the improvement I’ve seen in myself from the beginning of the first tri is impressive.

This week, I was able to complete the FRQ 4 hacks mostly by myself and I made a method that zeroed out an RGB value. I missed Monday, but on Tuesdays lesson I was able to complete all the hacks and I actually understood what I was doing! :)

Week 17

This week was a warmup week to refresh our brains to the code we were doing before.

Week 18

My group started brainstorming ideas for our project, and after some debate we landed on the idea of a dating site for friends. We wokred on the wireframe and prepared our presentation for next week. Mr. M also gave some tech talks about components we could inlcude into our website such as notes and security measures.

Week 19

We presented on Tuesday on got some good feedback on what we can improve on our website. After hearing the feedback, I realize some of our features may be to complex, so we may try and make them more simple for now.

Over the weekend, I took the 66 question quiz. I honestly struggled because looking at code hurts my brain and I don’t understand it. But, I tried my best and managed to understand some of the questions. I definetly can use some of the questions on this test to study for the AP exam. I think one thing I need to work on is taking my time reading the question and trying to understand the code elements better.

Week 20

I started working on frontend and the JWT. I don’t really fully understand it, but I will work on it.

For the quiz, I found that I struggled with more of the complex problems such as nested for loops and arrays.